choose the correct solution and graph for the inequality y/3 _> -5

To solve the inequality y/3 ≥ -5, we need to multiply both sides of the inequality by 3 to isolate y. Multiplying by a negative number reverses the inequality sign, so we will need to remember to flip the sign when dividing by 3.

y/3 ≥ -5

Multiplying both sides by 3:

3 * (y/3) ≥ 3 * (-5)

y ≥ -15

The correct solution to the inequality is y ≥ -15.

Now let's graph the solution on a number line:

We start by drawing a number line with a point labeled as -15. Since the inequality is "y is greater than or equal to -15," we will use a filled-in circle at -15 to represent inclusion.

Then, we draw an arrow starting at -15 and pointing towards the positive side of the number line. This represents all the values greater than or equal to -15.

The graph of the inequality y ≥ -15 on a number line would look like this:


Explanation: The filled-in circle at -15 indicates that -15 is included in the solution. The arrow pointing towards the positive side of the number line shows that the solution includes all values greater than -15.