Choose the correct solution and graph for the inequality.

z-6 <5-14

To solve the inequality z-6 < 5-14, we first need to simplify both sides of the inequality.

Simplifying the left side, we have z-6.

Simplifying the right side, we have 5-14 which is -9.

So, the inequality becomes z-6 < -9.

Next, we can add 6 to both sides of the inequality to isolate the variable z.

z - 6 + 6 < -9 + 6

This simplifies to z < -3.

So, the correct solution to the inequality is z < -3.

To graph this solution on a number line, we draw an open circle at -3 and shade to the left of -3 to represent all values less than -3.

Here is the graph of the inequality z < -3:
