Solve for p

Give an exact answer.
4+2p = 10(3/5p - 2)

4 + 2p = 10(3/5p - 2)

First, distribute the 10 to both terms inside the parentheses:
4 + 2p = 30/5p - 20

Next, simplify the expression on the right side:
4 + 2p = 6p - 20

To isolate the p term, subtract 6p from both sides:
4 + 2p - 6p = -20

Combine like terms:
-4p + 4 = -20

Subtract 4 from both sides:
-4p = -24

Finally, divide both sides by -4 to find the value of p:
p = -24/-4

Simplifying the expression on the right side:
p = 6

Therefore, the solution for p is 6.