multiply √11 . 6√7 give an exact answer

To multiply √11 and 6√7, we need to multiply the coefficients (numbers outside the square roots) and the radical terms (numbers inside the square roots).

√11 * 6√7 = 6 * √11 * √7

√11 * √7 = √(11 * 7) = √77

Therefore, the exact answer is:


To multiply √11 and 6√7, you can follow these steps:

Step 1:√11 × √7 = √(11 × 7)
= √77

Step 2: 6 × √77

So, the exact answer is 6√77.

To multiply √11 by 6√7 and get an exact answer, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify each square root individually.
√11 is already simplified since there are no perfect square factors in it.
For 6√7, we can multiply the numbers outside the square root to get 6 * 7 = 42. So, 6√7 simplifies to √42.

Step 2: Multiply the numbers outside the square roots.
The numbers outside the square roots are 6 and 1 (since there's no number explicitly written in front of √42). Multiplying them gives 6 * 1 = 6.

Step 3: Multiply the numbers inside the square roots.
The numbers inside the square roots are 11 and 42. Multiplying them gives √(11 * 42).

Step 4: Simplify the product of the numbers inside the square roots.
To simplify √(11 * 42), we can find the square root of the product. Simplifying it further is not possible since neither 11 nor 42 is a perfect square. So, the answer is √(11 * 42).

Therefore, the exact product of √11 and 6√7 is √(11 * 42).