Questions to Ask Yourself

Planning My Goal
Short Term
Example: Complete all of your homework before a certain time for an entire week.

What is it you want?
What is important to you?
What do you want to help you be successful?

What’s in it for you?
What will you gain by achieving this goal?
How will you improve?

What’s in it for others?
Will this goal help someone else?
How will it help someone else?

What steps do you need to take to achieve this goal?

What resources or support do you need?
What obstacles might get in your way and how can you overcome them?
How will you measure your progress?
How will you stay motivated and accountable to this goal?
What is your timeline for achieving this goal?
What will you do to celebrate once you achieve this goal?
Are there any potential negative consequences of achieving this goal and how can you mitigate them?