Your teacher will grade your response for questions 21–23 to ensure you receive proper credit for your answer.

It takes Nadia four over nine h to complete her Language Arts homework and two over nine h to complete her mathematics homework. Which takes longer? How much longer?

4/9 > 2/9

4/9 - 2/9 = 2/9

To compare the time it takes for Nadia to complete her Language Arts and Mathematics homework, we can look at the fractions of time mentioned.

Nadia takes four over nine (4/9) of an hour to complete her Language Arts homework, and she takes two over nine (2/9) of an hour to complete her Mathematics homework.

To determine which takes longer, we compare the two fractions. We can do this by finding a common denominator and comparing the numerators.

The common denominator for 9ths is 9.

Converting the fractions to have the same denominator:
- Language Arts homework: (4/9) of an hour
- Mathematics homework: (2/9) of an hour

Since 4 is larger than 2, Nadia takes longer to complete her Language Arts homework.

To find out how much longer, we subtract the time it takes for Mathematics homework from the time it takes for Language Arts homework:
(4/9) - (2/9) = 2/9

Therefore, Nadia takes 2/9 of an hour longer to complete her Language Arts homework compared to her Mathematics homework.

To determine which homework takes longer for Nadia, we need to compare the times it takes her to complete her Language Arts and Mathematics assignments.

Nadia takes four over nine hours to complete her Language Arts homework and two over nine hours to complete her Mathematics homework.

To find out which takes longer, we need to compare the two times. We can do this by subtracting the time it takes to complete Mathematics homework from the time it takes to complete Language Arts homework.

4/9 (Language Arts homework time) - 2/9 (Mathematics homework time) = 2/9 hours

After subtracting, we find that the difference is 2/9 hours. This means that Nadia's Language Arts homework takes 2/9 hours longer than her Mathematics homework.