Lionel has at most 68/8 cups of flour to bake cookies and a cake. Lionel uses 7/4 cups of flour to make the cake. If each batch of cookies takes 3/2 cups of flour, how many batches of cookies, x, can Lionel bake? Select the inequality that includes the maximum number of batches of cookies Lionel can bake.

The number of batches of cookies Lionel can bake is given by x. If each batch of cookies takes 3/2 cups of flour, then x batches of cookies will take 3/2 * x cups of flour.

We know Lionel has at most 68/8 cups of flour, so our inequality is 3/2 * x ≤ 68/8.
To simplify, we can multiply both sides of the inequality by 2/3:
(3/2 * x) * (2/3) ≤ (68/8) * (2/3).
x ≤ 68/8 * 2/3.
Simplifying the right side, we get x ≤ 136/24.
We can simplify this further by dividing the numerator and denominator of the right side by 8: x ≤ 17/3.