Lionel is loading boxes of books into an elevator to move to the 35th floor of an office building. There are 10 boxes of books, and Lionel wants to make sure he is not exceeding the maximum weight of the elevator, which is 2,000 pounds. Lionel weighs 170 pounds. If each box of books weighs the same amount, how much can each box weigh? make an inequality

Let's assume the weight of each box is "x" pounds.

The total weight of Lionel and the boxes of books is the maximum weight of the elevator, which is 2,000 pounds.
So, the inequality becomes: x * 10 + 170 ≤ 2000.

Simplifying the inequality, we get:
10x + 170 ≤ 2000.

Now, we can solve for x:
10x ≤ 2000 - 170,
10x ≤ 1830,
x ≤ 183.

Therefore, each box of books can weigh a maximum of 183 pounds.