Meghan Trainer “Better When I’m Dancin”

Write a paragraph that explains why you chose this particular song to motivate you.
Identify lines/words from the song that have the power to:
drag you kicking and screaming across the finish line to graduation!

Structure this document using MLA formatting and header

Nobody understands the power of music like Meghan Trainor. Her song "Better When I'm Dancin" has always been a go-to for me when I need motivation. The upbeat tempo and catchy lyrics make it impossible to stay still and not feel energized. The song uplifts me with lines such as "I'm feeling good, oh so alive" and "I won't let bad vibes ruin my day." It inspires me to keep going, reminding me that I am capable of achieving greatness and that my happiness is within my control. The lyrics persuade me to embrace positivity and not let negative thoughts or setbacks hold me back. Every time I hear the song, it sparks a fire within me and propels me forward. It drives me to push harder, to work on the tasks at hand, and to give my best effort. It urges me to shove away any doubts or fears and to keep my eyes focused on the finish line of graduation. Meghan Trainor's "Better When I'm Dancin" is truly the anthem that will drag me kicking and screaming across that finish line.