Arch has 4 1/2 cantaloupes he slices the cantaloupe into 6 equal sized servings

He uses one of the servings to make fruit plates. Each fruit plate uses 1/8 of a cantaloupe

How many fruit plates does arch make





To find out how many fruit plates Arch makes, we need to divide the number of servings by the amount used for each fruit plate.

Each cantaloupe is sliced into 6 equal-sized servings, so Arch has a total of 4 1/2 * 6 = <<4+1/2*6=27>>27 servings.

Each fruit plate uses 1/8 of a cantaloupe, so Arch can make a total of 27 / 1/8 = 27 * 8 = <<27*8=216>>216 fruit plates.

Therefore, Arch makes a total of 216 fruit plates.