You cut a loaf of bread into 20 equal slices. You and your friends eat 3/10 of the slices. You want to put each leftover slice into its own bag. How manh bags do you need?

You have eaten 3/10 or 6/20 of the 20 slices

So you have eaten 6 of the 20 slices, leaving .....




ty bebes

ty bebes :)

To answer this question, we need to calculate the number of leftover slices and then determine the number of bags needed.

First, let's find out how many slices were eaten. You and your friends ate 3/10 of the 20 slices:

3/10 * 20 = 6 slices

To find the number of leftover slices, subtract the number of eaten slices from the total number of slices:

20 slices - 6 slices = 14 leftover slices

Since you want to put each leftover slice into its own bag, you will need the same number of bags as the number of leftover slices. In this case, you will need 14 bags to pack the remaining slices.