A florist is making a floral arrangement that has 55 flowers in it. Three out of every five of them are tulips.

*What is the number of flowers in each section?

To determine the number of flowers in each section, we first need to calculate the number of tulips in the arrangement.

Three out of every five flowers are tulips, so we divide the total number of flowers by 5: 55 flowers รท 5 = <<55/5=11>>11 groups of 5 flowers.

Since we have 11 groups of 5 flowers, this means we have 11 tulips.

To find the number of flowers in the other section (i.e., the non-tulips), we subtract the number of tulips from the total number of flowers: 55 flowers - 11 tulips = <<55-11=44>>44.

Therefore, there are 11 tulips and 44 non-tulips (other flowers) in the floral arrangement.