Plot pyramid for the coraline book


Coraline, a young girl, moves to a new house with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jones. The house is divided into multiple apartments, and Coraline's family lives in one of them. Coraline's parents are often busy with their work, leaving Coraline feeling lonely and bored. She explores the new house and discovers a small door in the living room that leads to nowhere.

Rising Action:
Curiosity gets the best of Coraline, and she decides to open the door. To her surprise, she finds herself in an alternate version of her own house, called the "Other World," with a parallel version of her "Other Mother" and "Other Father." Everything in the Other World seems perfect at first, with her Other Parents showering her with love and attention. However, Coraline starts to notice odd things, such as the button eyes that the Other Mother and other inhabitants have.

Coraline's suspicions about the Other World are confirmed when she discovers that the Other Mother wants to trap her there forever. The Other Mother reveals her true monstrous form and insists that Coraline sew buttons onto her eyes. Frightened but brave, Coraline refuses and manages to escape back to her real world, with the help of a black cat she encountered in the Other World.

Falling Action:
Coraline realizes that her real parents have been captured by the Other Mother, who is determined to bring Coraline back to the Other World. With the help of the cat, Coraline devises a plan to rescue her parents and confront the Other Mother once and for all. She gathers bits of information, uses her wits, and battles various eerie creatures in the process.

Coraline manages to outsmart the Other Mother and free her parents' souls, who were trapped in a mirror. Together, they return to their real house, which has transformed into a cozy and loving home. Coraline's parents have learned their lesson and promise to spend more time with her. Coraline's adventure in the Other World has taught her the importance of appreciating what she has and being grateful for her real family.