Tim Charted his distance from home.

Plot the point (12, 18).

the illustration shows plot A at (0,0) and plot B at (2,6) and plot c at (4,4) and plot D at (6,18) and plot f at (18,18) and plot G at (0,20)

How many total minutes did tim stop to rest?
How many times did Tim get closer to his home?
The speed from the 18th minute to the 20th minute is miles_______per minute.
(Remember that speed is never negative.)

Unfortunately, we cannot determine the answers to your questions as we do not have enough information about Tim's journey.

the information is the graph

Apologies for the confusion.

To determine the total minutes Tim stopped to rest, we would need to know the specific points on the graph where Tim stopped. Without that information, we cannot determine the answer.

To determine how many times Tim got closer to his home, we would need to know the specific trend of the graph. Without that information, we cannot determine the answer.

Regarding the speed from the 18th minute to the 20th minute, we can calculate it using the distance formula. The distance between two points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) is given by:

distance = sqrt((x2 - x1)^2 + (y2 - y1)^2)

In this case, the two points are (18,18) and (20, ?), but the second coordinate of the second point is missing. Once you provide the missing coordinate, we can calculate the distance and the speed per minute.

To answer these questions, let's analyze the given information step by step.

1. How many total minutes did Tim stop to rest?
From the given information, we can see that Tim's journey is divided into different plot points. Each plot point represents a specific minute on Tim's journey. To determine the total minutes Tim stopped to rest, we need to count the number of plot points where the distance remains the same.

Looking at the given data, we can identify two such plot points: Plot B (2,6) and Plot C (4,4). At both these points, the distance remains constant. Therefore, Tim stopped to rest for 2 minutes.

Hence, the answer is: Tim stopped to rest for a total of 2 minutes.

2. How many times did Tim get closer to his home?
To determine how many times Tim got closer to his home, we need to analyze the change in distance between consecutive plot points.

Looking at the given data, we observe the following changes in distance:
- Plot A to Plot B: The distance increases.
- Plot B to Plot C: The distance decreases.
- Plot C to Plot D: The distance increases.
- Plot D to Plot E: The distance remains constant.
- Plot E to Plot F: The distance increases.
- Plot F to Plot G: The distance remains constant.

Based on this analysis, we can conclude that Tim got closer to his home two times: between Plot B and Plot C and between Plot D and Plot E.

Hence, the answer is: Tim got closer to his home two times.

3. The speed from the 18th minute to the 20th minute is miles_______ per minute.
To calculate the speed, we need to determine the change in distance and time between the 18th and 20th minutes.

Looking at the given data, Tim's distance at the 18th minute is 18 units, and at the 20th minute, it is also 18 units. Therefore, the change in distance is 0 units.

The time interval between the 18th and 20th minutes is 2 minutes.

To calculate speed, we use the formula:

Speed = Change in distance / Time interval

Here, the change in distance is 0 units, and the time interval is 2 minutes. Therefore:

Speed = 0 units / 2 minutes = 0 units/minute

Given that speed is never negative, the speed from the 18th minute to the 20th minute is 0 miles per minute.

Hence, the answer is: The speed from the 18th minute to the 20th minute is 0 miles per minute.