In George Orwell's Animal Farm, the central idea is the corrupting and oppressive nature of power. This is demonstrated in the pigs gradual transformation from noble leaders fighting for equality to ruthless dictators who oppress and exploit the other animals. The pigs continuously modify the Seven Commandments of Animalism to justify their actions and maintain control, illustrating the corrupting influence of power " After much thought Snowball declared that the Seven Commandments could in effect be reduced to a single maxim, namely: "Four legs good, two legs bad." This, he said, contained the essential principle of Animalism" (pg. 34). When the pigs take over the farm, they immediately establish themselves as the ruling class, taking the best food and living luxuriously while the other animals work. "All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others." (pg.134). This quote, from the pigs revised version of the Seven Commandments exposes the bias and corruption of the ruling class. The pigs, who were once revolutionaries fighting against inequality, have now become the oppressors themselves. add a concluding sentence

In Animal Farm, George Orwell effectively portrays how power can corrupt individuals and lead to inequality and oppression, as the once noble pigs become ruthless dictators and manipulate the ideals of Animalism to justify their actions.