Which detail would be most relevant to this central idea? George Washington's presidency still has an impact on our government today.

George Washington married Martha Custis. George Washington created the two-term policy for presidents. George Washington was elected unanimously. George Washington was the first president.

George Washington created the two-term policy for presidents.

The most relevant detail to the central idea that "George Washington's presidency still has an impact on our government today" would be "George Washington created the two-term policy for presidents." This detail directly demonstrates an impact on our government, as the two-term policy for presidents is still in practice today.

The detail that would be most relevant to the central idea that "George Washington's presidency still has an impact on our government today" is that "George Washington created the two-term policy for presidents."

To understand why this detail is the most relevant, we need to consider the central idea and the impact it mentions. The central idea states that George Washington's presidency still has an impact on our government today. The detail about George Washington creating the two-term policy for presidents directly relates to this impact.

The two-term policy, also known as the "Washington precedent," refers to the tradition established by George Washington of serving only two terms as the President of the United States. This tradition was followed by many subsequent presidents until it was officially codified into law with the 22nd Amendment to the United States Constitution in 1951.

By establishing the two-term policy, George Washington set a precedent for future presidents, which helped shape the structure and stability of the U.S. government. This policy ensured that power would not be concentrated in the hands of a single individual for too long, and it contributed to the peaceful transfer of power between administrations. It also symbolized the values of democracy, limited government, and avoiding the risks associated with a long-term presidency.

Therefore, out of the given details, the fact that George Washington created the two-term policy stands out as the most relevant to the central idea of his ongoing impact on our government today.