Ho, slowly moved the rifle it was a bit heavy for his eleven year old hands. Slowly he followed his 7 year old brother who suddenly have out a.cry and jumped be behind the couch. Ho, pulled the trigger unexpectedly a bullet came out. Little jj, was not in the leg and tell with a cry hitting the oil lamp knocking it of the side table the room would have gone completely dark if it was not for the fire in the hearth. It was cold out side and the only way to keep the estates warm was by having a fire place in every room.

Ho's heart raced as he realized what had just happened. Panic set in as he dropped the rifle and rushed over to his little brother's side. Little JJ lay on the floor, clutching his injured leg, tears streaming down his face.

Fear and guilt filled Ho's young mind. How had he been so foolish? He had never meant for any harm to come to his brother. Trembling, he tried to remember what to do in an emergency like this. He quickly ran to alert their parents, who were in another part of the grand estate.

As he sprinted through the dimly lit hallways, the shadows seemed to dance mockingly around him. The warmth of the fire in the hearth did little to ease the cold that crept into his bones. Thoughts raced through his mind, wondering what his parents would say, what punishment he would face.

Breathless, he finally reached his parents and frantically explained what had unfolded. Their faces turned pale with shock and concern, and without hesitation, they rushed to Little JJ's side. Ho's mother, a composed and quick-thinking woman, swiftly assessed the situation, while his father – a strong and resolute man – did his best to keep their emotions in check.

Within minutes, a doctor had been called, and Ho's parents worked together to stabilize Little JJ. Ho stood in a corner, praying silently, trying to make sense of the chaos he had unintentionally caused.

Hours turned into an endless night as the doctor attended to Little JJ's injury. Ho's guilt weighed heavily on him, his mind torturing him with visions of what could have happened if the situation had been worse. He vowed never to touch a weapon again, knowing firsthand the devastating consequences it could bring.

Finally, as the first rays of dawn streamed through the windows, the doctor emerged with a relieved expression on his face. Little JJ's injury was serious, but not life-threatening. Ho's parents embraced him, their eyes filled with a mixture of relief and sternness.

In the days that followed, the incident served as a turning point for Ho. He became acutely aware of his responsibilities, the fragility of life, and the importance of caution. Both he and Little JJ learned a valuable lesson about the potential dangers that surrounded them, and the significance of keeping oneself and others safe.

The fireplaces continued to burn in every room of the grand estate, providing warmth and comfort. But for Ho, the warmth he sought was not solely from the crackling flames. It was in the forgiving eyes of his little brother, whose strength and resilience amazed him. Together, they embarked on a journey of healing, rebuilding trust, and cherishing the gift of family.