Ho, slowly moved the rifle it was a bit heavy for his eleven year old hands. Slowly he followed his 7 year old brother who suddenly have out a.cry and jumped be behind the couch. Ho, pulled the trigger unexpectedly a bullet came out.

Startled by the unexpected bullet, Ho jumped back, dropping the rifle to the ground. His heart raced as he realized the gravity of the situation. He quickly went over to his brother, who was now sobbing and clutching his leg.

"Are you okay?" Ho asked, panic and guilt coursing through his veins.

His younger brother nodded through his tears, still too scared to speak. Ho's eyes darted to the wound on his brother's leg, noticing that it was bleeding. He knew he had to act fast.

Gently, Ho helped his brother up, guiding him to the nearby sofa. He grabbed a towel from the kitchen and pressed it against the wound to stem the bleeding. The cries subsided slightly as Ho reassured his brother that everything would be alright.

Moments later, their parents rushed into the room, alerted by the sound of the gunshot. Shock and concern painted their faces as they took in the scene before them.

"What happened? Is everyone okay?" their father asked, his voice filled with worry.

"I... I didn't mean to," Ho stammered, tears streaming down his face. "I didn't know it was loaded."

Their mother's eyes softened as she understood the mix of fear and guilt in her son's voice. She comforted Ho, wrapping her arms around him.

"We need to take your brother to the hospital," their father said, his voice firm yet gentle. "But we'll talk about this later. Right now, let's focus on getting him the help he needs."

Ho nodded, his mind still reeling from the shock of what had just happened. He knew he had made a terrible mistake, one that could have had far worse consequences. He vowed to himself to never touch a gun again and to be more responsible in the future.

As the family rushed out of the house, Ho glanced back at the rifle lying on the ground - a stark reminder of the danger it held within. Deep down, he knew this incident would forever change their lives, a lesson learned through a moment of innocent curiosity turned tragedy.