Twelve less than four-fifths of a number is more than 24. What are all the possible values of the number? Lucia wrote the inequality 45n−12>24, where n equals the number, to help solve this problem. Solve her inequality.(1 point) Responses n>45 n greater than 45 n>15 n greater than 15 n>28.8 n greater than 28.8 n>9.6

To solve the inequality 45n - 12 > 24, first, add 12 to both sides of the inequality to isolate the variable term:

45n - 12 + 12 > 24 + 12

This simplifies to:

45n > 36

Next, divide both sides of the inequality by 45 to solve for n:

(45n)/45 > 36/45

This simplifies to:

n > 36/45

Finally, simplify the fraction:

n > 4/5

Therefore, all the possible values of the number (n) are greater than 4/5.