Create an image representing the mathematical problem solving process. Show a hand with South Asian descent holding pencil, sketching numbers and inequalities on a piece of white paper. Include imaginations of mathematical symbols and equations floating around the paper. Do not include any text or numbers in the scene to prevent leading to the answer.

Twelve less than four-fifths of a number is more than 24. What are all the possible values of the number? Lucia wrote the inequality 45n−12>24, where n equals the number, to help solve this problem. Solve her inequality.(1 point)

A: n>9.6

B: n>15

C: n>45

D: n>28.8

D: n>28.8

To solve the inequality, we have 45n - 12 > 24.

First, let's isolate the variable n. We'll start by adding 12 to both sides of the inequality:

45n - 12 + 12 > 24 + 12

This simplifies to:

45n > 36

Next, we want to isolate n by dividing both sides of the inequality by 45:

(45n)/45 > 36/45

This simplifies to:

n > 36/45

Now, let's simplify the fraction:

n > 4/5

The fraction 36/45 can be reduced to 4/5.

Therefore, the solution to the inequality is n > 4/5.

To find the possible values of n, we need to convert 4/5 to a decimal.

4 divided by 5 equals 0.8.

So, the possible values of the number (n) are all numbers greater than 0.8.

Among the given options, the only one that represents numbers greater than 0.8 is:

A: n > 9.6

Therefore, the correct answer is A: n > 9.6.

To solve the inequality 45n - 12 > 24, we can go through the following steps:

1. Add 12 to both sides of the inequality:
45n - 12 + 12 > 24 + 12
45n > 36

2. Divide both sides of the inequality by 45:
(45n)/45 > 36/45
n > 36/45
n > 0.8

Therefore, the correct answer is A: n > 0.8.

Twelve less than four-fifths of a number is more than 24. What are all the possible values of the number? Lucia wrote the inequality 4/5n−12>24, where n equals the number, to help solve this problem. Solve her inequality.(1 point)

A: n>9.6

B: n>15

C: n>45

D: n>28.8