Jemima makes $1050.00 worth of purchases on her credit card. If the credit card charges 21% annual interest, how much interest will she accumulate on the unpaid balance over 45 days?





To calculate the interest, we need to know the daily interest rate. This can be found by dividing the annual interest rate by 365 days:

21% / 365 = 0.0575% (daily interest rate)

Now, we can calculate the interest accumulated on the unpaid balance over 45 days by multiplying the daily interest rate by the balance:

0.0575% * $1050.00 = $0.60375 (daily interest)

$0.60375 * 45 days = $27.17 (interest accumulated over 45 days)

Rounded to the nearest cent, the answer is $27.18.

So, the correct answer is $27.18.