Jennifer has a map of Yellowstone National Park. The scale on this map is 1 cm = 9.8 miles. Jennifer measured some distances on the map. What is the actual distance from Old Faithful to Canyon?


A22.54 miles
22.54 miles
B24.5 miles
24.5 miles
C27.44 miles
27.44 miles
D29.4 miles

To find the actual distance from Old Faithful to Canyon, we need to use the scale on the map.

The scale is 1 cm = 9.8 miles.

Let's say Jennifer measures a distance of 2.3 cm on the map.

To find the actual distance, we can multiply the measured distance on the map by the scale.

Actual distance = Measured distance on map * Scale

Actual distance = 2.3 cm * 9.8 miles/cm

Actual distance = 22.54 miles

Therefore, the actual distance from Old Faithful to Canyon is 22.54 miles.

So the correct answer is A22.54 miles.