Choose the correct solution graph for the inequality

8x+2 >_ 26 or 4x - 6 <_ -26

The correct solution graph for the inequality 8x + 2 ≥ 26 or 4x - 6 ≤ -26 is:

First, let's solve the first inequality:
8x + 2 ≥ 26
Subtract 2 from both sides:
8x ≥ 24
Divide both sides by 8:
x ≥ 3

Now, let's solve the second inequality:
4x - 6 ≤ -26
Add 6 to both sides:
4x ≤ -20
Divide both sides by 4:
x ≤ -5

So, the solution to the inequality is x ≥ 3 or x ≤ -5.

The correct solution graph represents all the values that satisfy the inequality. It consists of two separate sections: one part represents x ≥ 3 (all values greater than or equal to 3) and the other part represents x ≤ -5 (all values less than or equal to -5). These two sections are not connected because there is no overlap between the values that satisfy each inequality.