Which evidence best supports the historical claim that the East-West Schism did not begin in 1054 CE, but that the mutual excommunication was part of an already growing division?(1 point) Responses The Byzantine Empire rose as a major economic and political power in the western Mediterranean region while Western Europe became more isolated. The Byzantine Empire rose as a major economic and political power in the western Mediterranean region while Western Europe became more isolated. The decreasing power of the pope following the end of the Western Roman Empire in 476 CE conflicted with the rise of Byzantine power in the East. The decreasing power of the pope following the end of the Western Roman Empire in 476 CE conflicted with the rise of Byzantine power in the East. The Roman Catholic Church affirmed the idea of papal supremacy at the First Vatican Council in 1870 CE. The Roman Catholic Church affirmed the idea of papal supremacy at the First Vatican Council in 1870 CE. Crusaders from Western Europe looted and sacked the city of Constantinople in 1204 CE.

The evidence that best supports the historical claim that the East-West Schism did not begin in 1054 CE, but that the mutual excommunication was part of an already growing division is: Crusaders from Western Europe looted and sacked the city of Constantinople in 1204 CE. This event demonstrates a significant conflict between the Eastern and Western Christian factions, which suggests that tensions and divisions had already been growing prior to the 1054 excommunication.