Your teacher asks you to write a paper that supports a claim with evidence. In three to five sentences, describe one claim you would like to make and discuss different forms of evidence you can collect to support your claim. Where would you look for this evidence?(4 points)

My claim is that the use of technology in the classroom can improve student engagement and academic performance. To support this claim, I can collect evidence such as student surveys, teacher observations, and test scores. I can look for this evidence in the school's records, online research, and interviews with students and teachers.

Thank You!!!!

One claim I would like to make is that regular exercise improves mental health. To support this claim, I can collect various forms of evidence. Firstly, I can look for scientific studies and research articles that have been conducted on the topic, which can provide statistical data and findings. Secondly, I can gather anecdotal evidence by conducting interviews with individuals who have experienced positive changes in their mental health through exercise. Additionally, I can explore personal narratives and testimonials shared by people on social media platforms or online forums. Lastly, I can consult reputable health and fitness websites for expert opinions and recommendations on the benefits of exercise for mental well-being.

One claim I would like to make is that exercise has a positive impact on mental health. To support this claim, I can collect various forms of evidence. Firstly, I can look for scientific studies that have explored the correlation between exercise and mental health, as these studies provide quantifiable data and scientific validity. Additionally, I can search for personal anecdotes or testimonials from individuals who have experienced improved mental well-being through exercise. Lastly, I can look for expert opinions or interviews with professionals such as psychologists or doctors who can provide their perspectives on the connection between exercise and mental health. To find this evidence, I can use academic databases, reputable websites, online forums, or even interviews with experts.