What skills make managers and leaders different

There are several key skills that differentiate managers from leaders:

1. Vision: Leaders have a strong sense of vision and are able to inspire and motivate others towards a common goal. They are able to see the bigger picture and envision a future state, while managers focus on executing tasks and achieving immediate goals.

2. Communication: Leaders possess excellent communication skills, enabling them to effectively convey their vision, expectations, and ideas to their team. They can articulate their thoughts clearly and inspire others to take action. Managers, on the other hand, focus more on day-to-day operational communication and ensuring tasks are completed.

3. Influence: Leaders are skilled at influencing others without relying on their positional power. They have the ability to persuade and motivate their team members to go above and beyond their assigned roles. Managers, on the other hand, may rely more on their formal authority and direct instructions to get tasks done.

4. Emotional Intelligence: Leaders demonstrate high emotional intelligence, which includes self-awareness, empathy, and an ability to manage their own and others' emotions effectively. They are skilled at building strong relationships and understanding the needs and concerns of their team. Managers, while also needing emotional intelligence, may focus more on problem-solving and decision-making.

5. Risk-taking: Leaders are comfortable taking calculated risks and are open to trying new approaches and ideas. They encourage creativity and innovation within their teams. Managers, on the other hand, may stick to proven methods and focus more on ensuring tasks are completed efficiently.

6. Development of Others: Leaders focus on developing and empowering their team members. They invest time and effort into coaching, mentoring, and supporting their employees' growth and advancement. Managers may prioritize ensuring tasks are completed and providing feedback on performance.

7. Long-term Perspective: Leaders adopt a long-term perspective and are forward-thinking. They anticipate future challenges and opportunities, and guide their teams towards sustainable success. Managers may have a more short-term focus and are more concerned with meeting immediate goals and targets.

While some individuals may possess both managerial and leadership skills, it is important to recognize that there are distinct differences in the skills and qualities required to effectively manage and lead.