To rent a car you need to pay a flat fee plus $0.20 for each mile that you drive. Which equation could be used to solve for the price of the initial fee if the total cost of a rental was $60 when the car was driven 40 miles?

A. 60+0.2(40)=X

B. 0.2x+40=60

C. 0.2(60)+x=40

D. x+0.2(40)=60

The equation that could be used to solve for the price of the initial fee if the total cost of a rental was $60 when the car was driven 40 miles is option D. x+0.2(40)=60.

What is the value of the expression below?


The expression -4+(-3) can be simplified by adding the two negative numbers:

-4 + (-3) = -7

Therefore, the value of the expression is -7.