A: A car towing service charges $150 to pick up the car and then $0.60 per mile to tow it. What is the greatest number of miles a car can be towed for less than $200?

B: Genny transcribes audio files for $0.60 per minute, plus a $150 flat fee. After how many minutes will Genny's fee be more than $200?

C: Both "A car towing service charges $150 to pick up the car and then $0.60 per mile to tow it. What is the greatest number of miles a car can be towed for less than $200?
" and "Genny transcribes audio files for $0.60 per minute, plus a $150 flat fee. After how many minutes will Genny's fee be more than $200?".

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C: Both "A car towing service charges $150 to pick up the car and then $0.60 per mile to tow it. What is the greatest number of miles a car can be towed for less than $200?" and "Genny transcribes audio files for $0.60 per minute, plus a $150 flat fee. After how many minutes will Genny's fee be more than $200?"

A: To find the greatest number of miles a car can be towed for less than $200, we need to set up an inequality based on the given information.

Let the number of miles towed be represented by x.

The cost of towing the car can be expressed as: cost = $150 + ($0.60 per mile) * x.

We want to find the maximum value of x such that the cost is less than $200, so we can set up the following inequality:

$150 + ($0.60 per mile) * x < $200.

Now, we can solve this inequality for x:

($0.60 per mile) * x < $200 - $150
($0.60 per mile) * x < $50
x < $50 / ($0.60 per mile)
x < 500 / 6
x < 83.33 (rounded to the nearest whole number)

Therefore, the greatest number of miles a car can be towed for less than $200 is 83 miles.

B: To find the number of minutes at which Genny's fee will be more than $200, we can set up an inequality based on the given information.

Let the number of minutes transcribed be represented by x.

The cost of transcribing can be expressed as: cost = $150 + ($0.60 per minute) * x.

We want to find the minimum value of x such that the cost is more than $200, so we can set up the following inequality:

$150 + ($0.60 per minute) * x > $200.

Now, we can solve this inequality for x:

($0.60 per minute) * x > $200 - $150
($0.60 per minute) * x > $50
x > $50 / ($0.60 per minute)
x > 500 / 6
x > 83.33 (rounded to the nearest whole number)

Therefore, Genny's fee will be more than $200 after 84 minutes.

C: The solution to both questions is as follows:

The car can be towed for less than $200 for a maximum of 83 miles, and Genny's fee will be more than $200 after 84 minutes.

A: To find the greatest number of miles a car can be towed for less than $200, we need to set up an inequality equation. Let's call the number of miles towed "x". The total cost can be calculated by adding the initial pickup cost of $150 to the cost per mile, which is $0.60 multiplied by the number of miles towed.

So, the inequality equation is:

150 + 0.60x < 200

To solve this inequality, we'll subtract 150 from both sides to isolate the variable:

0.60x < 200 - 150
0.60x < 50

Now, divide both sides of the inequality by 0.60 to find the value of x:

x < 50 / 0.60
x < 83.33

Since we're dealing with whole numbers for miles, the greatest number of miles the car can be towed for less than $200 is 83 miles.

B: To find after how many minutes Genny's fee will be more than $200, we need to set up an inequality equation. Let's call the number of minutes transcribed "y". The total fee can be calculated by adding the flat fee of $150 to the fee per minute, which is $0.60 multiplied by the number of minutes transcribed.

So, the inequality equation is:

150 + 0.60y > 200

To solve this inequality, we'll subtract 150 from both sides to isolate the variable:

0.60y > 200 - 150
0.60y > 50

Now, divide both sides of the inequality by 0.60 to find the value of y:

y > 50 / 0.60
y > 83.33

Since we're dealing with whole numbers for minutes, Genny's fee will be more than $200 after 84 minutes.

C: Both questions involve setting up inequality equations and solving them to find the maximum number of miles towed for less than $200 and the number of minutes transcribed when Genny's fee exceeds $200. By following the steps explained above, we can find the answers to both questions.