Mike went to the store to buy shirts. The shirts were $45 each. The store was offering the following discount:


Mike chose to purchase three shirts. Excluding any sales tax, what was the total amount he spent on the three shirts?





The discount amount for each shirt is $5 off the original price of $45, so each shirt costs $45 - $5 = $40.

The total amount Mike spent on three shirts is $40 * 3 = $<<40*3=120>>120.
Therefore, the correct answer is $120.

Mike went to the store to buy shirts. The shirts were $45 each. The store was offering the following discount:


Mike chose to purchase three shirts. Excluding any sales tax, what was the total amount he spent on the three shirts?





To find the total amount Mike spent on the three shirts, we need to multiply the price of each shirt by the number of shirts he bought.

The price of each shirt is $45.
Mike bought three shirts.

So the total amount Mike spent is $45 * 3 = $135.

Therefore, the correct answer is $135.