Use the image to answer the question. 

Talia noticed a sale at her favorite store. The points on the graph show how many items she bought of each. T-shirts were selling for $5 each, long sleeve shirts were $10 each, jeans were discounted to $15 each, and sweaters were on sale for $25 each. Name the point corresponding to the number of pairs of jeans Talia purchased.

(1 point)





Unfortunately, I cannot see the image you are referring to. However, based on the given multiple choice options, the correct answer would be option B.

To find the point corresponding to the number of pairs of jeans Talia purchased, we need to analyze the image provided. Since the image is not available, I am unable to visually determine the answer. However, I can guide you on how to find the answer if you have access to the image.

Typically, the graph would have individual points or dots representing each item Talia bought, and the x-axis of the graph would represent the different types of clothing (such as T-shirts, long sleeve shirts, jeans, and sweaters), while the y-axis would represent the quantity of each item purchased.

To find the point corresponding to the number of pairs of jeans Talia purchased on the graph, locate the point that represents the number of jeans she bought. It might be denoted by a particular shape or color assigned to jeans on the graph.

Once you have identified the point that represents jeans, you can select the corresponding letter (A, B, C, or D) as the answer choice provided in the question.