Nick decided to excersise for 1/2 hour on Mondays, 3/4 hour on Wednesdays, and 1/4 hour on Fridays. How many total hours will Nick excerise if he sticks to this schedule for 4 weeks.

(Please show this step by step)

First, we need to find the total hours Nick exercises in a week.

On Mondays, Nick exercises for 1/2 hour.
On Wednesdays, Nick exercises for 3/4 hour.
On Fridays, Nick exercises for 1/4 hour.

To find the total hours Nick exercises in a week, we add the time spent exercising on each day:

1/2 + 3/4 + 1/4

To add these fractions, we need a common denominator. The smallest common denominator for 2, 4, and 4 is 4.

1/2 can be written as 2/4.
3/4 does not need to be changed because its denominator is already 4.
1/4 is already written with the denominator 4.

Now we can add the fractions:

2/4 + 3/4 + 1/4 = 6/4

Since 6/4 is greater than 1, we know that Nick exercises for more than one hour in a week.

Now, let's find out how much Nick exercises in 4 weeks.

To find the total hours Nick exercises in 4 weeks, we multiply the weekly exercise time by the number of weeks:

6/4 hours/week x 4 weeks = (6/4) * 4

To multiply fractions, we multiply the numerators together, and then the denominators together:

(6 * 4) / (4 * 1)

Simplifying the numerator and denominator, we get:

24 / 4

24 divided by 4 is equal to 6.

Therefore, Nick will exercise for a total of 6 hours if he sticks to this schedule for 4 weeks.