Amanda can run 4/5 of a mile in nine minutes express her speed as a unit rate in miles per hour

9 4/5 Miles per hour
15 miles per hour
5 1/3 miles per hour
3 1/5 miles per hour

(4/5 mi) / 9min * 60min/hr = (4*60)/(5*9) mi/hr

To find Amanda's speed as a unit rate in miles per hour, we need to convert the time from minutes to hours and then divide the distance by that time.

Amanda can run 4/5 of a mile in 9 minutes.

To convert minutes to hours, we divide by 60 since there are 60 minutes in an hour:

9 minutes ÷ 60 minutes/hour = 0.15 hours

Now we divide the distance by the time:

(4/5 mile) ÷ (0.15 hour) = 2.67 miles per hour

So, Amanda's speed is 2.67 miles per hour.

Therefore, the correct answer is 2 2/3 miles per hour or approximately 2.67 miles per hour, which can be rounded to 2.7 miles per hour.

To find Amanda's speed in miles per hour, we need to convert the time from minutes to hours and then divide the distance covered by that time.

Amanda runs 4/5 of a mile in 9 minutes, which can be represented as 4/5 mile / 9 minutes.

To convert minutes to hours, we divide by 60 (since there are 60 minutes in 1 hour):
(4/5 mile / 9 minutes) * (1 hour / 60 minutes)

4/5 mile divided by 9 minutes gives us 4/5 * (1/9) = 4/45 mile per minute.
1 hour divided by 60 minutes gives us 1/60 hour per minute.

Now we calculate the final unit rate by multiplying the two ratios:
(4/45 mile per minute) * (1/60 hour per minute)

The minute unit cancels out, giving us:
4/45 * 1/60 = 4/2700 miles per hour

Simplifying the fraction:
4/2700 = 1/675

Therefore, Amanda's speed, expressed as a unit rate in miles per hour, is 1/675 miles per hour.