Why was the presidency of George Washington considered to be so significant?(1 point)


His actions would define the role of the Supreme Court
His actions would define the role of the Supreme Court

His actions would set precedents (an example) for all future presidents.
His actions would set precedents (an example) for all future presidents.

His actions would test the president's constitutional authority.

His actions would test the president's constitutional authority.

His establishment of a strong executive branch and his handling of various challenges and crises during his presidency set a precedent for future presidents to follow. He also played a critical role in shaping the structure and powers of the federal government, including the establishment of the Supreme Court and defining its role within the government. Additionally, his decision to step down after two terms as president set a tradition that was followed by all future presidents until Franklin D. Roosevelt. Overall, Washington's presidency was significant because it shaped the presidency and the government system of the United States in many ways that are still influential today.