Why was the presidency of George Washington considered to be so significant?

His actions would define the role of the Supreme Court.

His actions would set precedents for all future presidents.

His actions would determine the need for a president.

His actions would test the president's constitutional authority.

His actions would set precedents for all future presidents.

The tariff made goods produced in the North less expensive than imported goods.

There was no need to be coy about U.S. intentions to avoid permanent alliances in the future.

the Federalist Party’s belief in a strong central government

Thomas Jefferson’s views clashed with those of Alexander Hamilton.

He hoped it would deter more attacks by French ships.

Based on the outcome, it was mandated by the U.S. Constitution.

No candidate won the electoral vote.

Implementing a free market economy limits the role of the federal government.

The Louisiana Territory was no longer useful to him after a slave revolt in Haiti.

to allow U.S. merchants to resume trade with all countries except Britain and France