On Monday, 5/8 inch of rain fell in 2/3 hour.

Which value representa the unit rate, in inches per hours?

To find the unit rate in inches per hour, we need to divide the amount of rain (5/8 inch) by the time it took for that amount to fall (2/3 hour).

So, the unit rate is (5/8 inch) ÷ (2/3 hour).

To divide by a fraction, we multiply by the reciprocal of the fraction.

So, (5/8 inch) ÷ (2/3 hour) = (5/8 inch) × (3/2 hour).

Next, we can simplify the multiplication:

(5/8) × (3/2) = (15/16) inch.

Therefore, the unit rate in inches per hour is 15/16.

The value that represents the unit rate, in inches per hour, is 15/16.