Mr. O’Donnell has $500 budgeted to donate to charity. He gave 2/5 of the amount to the Red Cross. Mr. O’Donnell donated 1/3 of the remainder to Special Olympics. How much is left to give to other charities?(1 point)



To find out how much Mr. O'Donnell gave to the Red Cross, we need to multiply the budgeted amount ($500) by 2/5: 2/5 * $500 = $<<2/5*500=200>>200

To find out how much was left after the Red Cross donation, we subtract the amount Mr. O'Donnell gave to the Red Cross from his budgeted amount: $500 - $200 = $<<500-200=300>>300
To find out how much Mr. O'Donnell donated to Special Olympics, we need to multiply the remaining amount ($300) by 1/3: 1/3 * $300 = $<<1/3*300=100>>100
To find out how much Mr. O'Donnell has left to give to other charities, we subtract the amount he donated to the Special Olympics from the remaining amount after the Red Cross donation: $300 - $100 = $<<300-100=200>>200
Therefore, the correct answer is $200.