Mr. O’Donnell has $500 budgeted to donate to charity. He gave 2/5 of the amount to the Red Cross. Mr. O’Donnell donated 1/3 of the remainder to Special Olympics. How much is left to give to other charities?(1 point)


To calculate how much is left to give to other charities, we first need to find out how much Mr. O’Donnell donated to the Red Cross.

He gave 2/5 of his $500 budget, so he donated 2/5 * $500 = $<<2/5*500=200>>200 to the Red Cross.

The remainder is $500 - $200 = $<<500-200=300>>300.

Now we need to find out how much Mr. O’Donnell donated to Special Olympics.

He donated 1/3 of the remainder, so he donated 1/3 * $300 = $<<1/3*300=100>>100 to Special Olympics.

Therefore, the amount left to give to other charities is $300 - $100 = $<<300-100=200>>200. Answer: \boxed{200}.