Make sure to include a summary text that not only explains the concept but also explains the visual representation and how it conveys and connects to the overall theme.

My blackout poem consists of this quote “ Our inner turmoil is because we tend to shoot ourselves as we try to revive the past.” I drew a picture of a person handcuffed because of the inner turmoil, it doesn't let them move on. Can you add on?

The blackout poem conveys a powerful message about the destructive nature of dwelling on the past. The chosen quote, "Our inner turmoil is because we tend to shoot ourselves as we try to revive the past," suggests that constantly revisiting and longing for the past can be self-sabotaging, much like shooting oneself.

The visual representation of a person handcuffed effectively reinforces this theme. The handcuffs symbolize being shackled and stuck in a repetitive cycle, prevented from moving forward. By visually connecting the concept of inner turmoil to physical restraint, the viewer can easily grasp the emotional and psychological impact of holding onto the past.

Overall, the blackout poem and its accompanying visual representation effectively convey the damaging effects of clinging to the past. It encourages viewers to reflect on the importance of letting go, embracing the present, and moving towards personal growth and healing.