Using the measurements shown on each net, find the surface area of the cylinder. (Hint: SA = 2πr^2 + 2πrh) Drag and drop each surface area under the appropriate cylinder.

Drop target 1
Drop target 2
Drop target 3
Drop target 4

There are no measurements or net images provided. Please provide the measurements or net images so that we can help you find the surface area of the cylinder.

i need help finding the surface area of each cylinder

cylinder 1 has a radius of 7 cm and a height of 11 cm
cylinder 2 has a radius of 4 cm and a height of 4 cm
cylinder 3 has a radius of 3 cm and a height of 5 cm
cylinder 4 has a radius of 2 cm and a height of 3 cm

I need each surface area for each cylinder

Sure! Let's find the surface area for each of the given cylinders using the formula SA = 2πr^2 + 2πrh.

Cylinder 1:
Radius (r) = 7 cm
Height (h) = 11 cm

Surface area = 2π(7^2) + 2π(7)(11)
= 2π(49) + 2π(77)
= 98π + 154π
= 252π cm^2

Cylinder 2:
Radius (r) = 4 cm
Height (h) = 4 cm

Surface area = 2π(4^2) + 2π(4)(4)
= 2π(16) + 2π(16)
= 32π + 32π
= 64π cm^2

Cylinder 3:
Radius (r) = 3 cm
Height (h) = 5 cm

Surface area = 2π(3^2) + 2π(3)(5)
= 2π(9) + 2π(15)
= 18π + 30π
= 48π cm^2

Cylinder 4:
Radius (r) = 2 cm
Height (h) = 3 cm

Surface area = 2π(2^2) + 2π(2)(3)
= 2π(4) + 2π(6)
= 8π + 12π
= 20π cm^2

So, the surface areas for the given cylinders are:
- Cylinder 1: 252π cm^2
- Cylinder 2: 64π cm^2
- Cylinder 3: 48π cm^2
- Cylinder 4: 20π cm^2

the choices they gave me were 150.8 cm^2 62.8 cm^2 201 cm^2 and 791.7 cm^2

Apologies for the confusion. Let's calculate the surface area for each cylinder again and compare it with the given choices.

Cylinder 1:
Radius (r) = 7 cm
Height (h) = 11 cm

Surface area = 2π(7^2) + 2π(7)(11)
= 2π(49) + 2π(77)
= 98π + 154π
= 252π cm^2

The surface area for Cylinder 1 is 252π cm^2. Approximating π to 3.14, we have:

252π cm^2 = 252(3.14) cm^2
= 791.68 cm^2

The closest choice to 791.68 cm^2 is 791.7 cm^2.

Therefore, we can match Cylinder 1 with the choice 791.7 cm^2.

Calculating the surface area of the remaining cylinders:

Cylinder 2:
Radius (r) = 4 cm
Height (h) = 4 cm

Surface area = 2π(4^2) + 2π(4)(4)
= 2π(16) + 2π(16)
= 32π + 32π
= 64π cm^2

The surface area for Cylinder 2 is 64π cm^2. Approximating π to 3.14, we have:

64π cm^2 = 64(3.14) cm^2
= 200.96 cm^2

The closest choice to 200.96 cm^2 is 201 cm^2.

Therefore, we can match Cylinder 2 with the choice 201 cm^2.

Calculating the surface area for the remaining cylinders:

Cylinder 3:
Radius (r) = 3 cm
Height (h) = 5 cm

Surface area = 2π(3^2) + 2π(3)(5)
= 2π(9) + 2π(15)
= 18π + 30π
= 48π cm^2

The surface area for Cylinder 3 is 48π cm^2. Approximating π to 3.14, we have:

48π cm^2 = 48(3.14) cm^2
= 150.72 cm^2

The closest choice to 150.72 cm^2 is 150.8 cm^2.

Therefore, we can match Cylinder 3 with the choice 150.8 cm^2.

Calculating the surface area for Cylinder 4:

Cylinder 4:
Radius (r) = 2 cm
Height (h) = 3 cm

Surface area = 2π(2^2) + 2π(2)(3)
= 2π(4) + 2π(6)
= 8π + 12π
= 20π cm^2

The surface area for Cylinder 4 is 20π cm^2. Approximating π to 3.14, we have:

20π cm^2 = 20(3.14) cm^2
= 62.8 cm^2

Therefore, we can match Cylinder 4 with the choice 62.8 cm^2.

Matching the cylinders with the given choices:

- Cylinder 1: 791.7 cm^2
- Cylinder 2: 201 cm^2
- Cylinder 3: 150.8 cm^2
- Cylinder 4: 62.8 cm^2