Gary is 8 3/4 years old. His brother is 3 7/12 years younger than he is. How many years old is Gary’s brother

To find out how old Gary's brother is, we need to subtract the age difference from Gary's age.

The age difference is 3 7/12 years.
To subtract this from Gary's age, we need to first convert both numbers to a common denominator (12):
3 7/12 = (3*12 + 7) / 12 = 43/12

Now we can perform the subtraction:
8 3/4 - 43/12 = (8*12 + 3) / 4 - 43/12
= (96 + 3) / 4 - 43/12
= 99/4 - 43/12

To subtract the fractions, we need to get a common denominator (12):
99/4 - 43/12 = (99*3) / (4*3) - 43/12
= 297/12 - 43/12
= (297 - 43) / 12
= 254/12
= 21 and 2/12
= 21 and 1/6

So Gary's brother is 21 and 1/6 years old.