Nick bought groceries for n dollars. He had a coupon for $15.50 off. He paid $34.63 including tax for the groceries he purchased. Which equation represents the original cost of groceries Nick bought? What was this amount?

Let's set up an equation to represent the original cost of groceries Nick bought. Let x be the original cost of the groceries.

We know that he had a coupon for $15.50 off. So the total cost of groceries with the coupon would be x - $15.50.

We also know that he paid $34.63 including tax for the groceries. So the equation is:

x - $15.50 = $34.63

To find the original cost of groceries, we can solve this equation for x.

Adding $15.50 to both sides of the equation, we get:

x = $34.63 + $15.50

x = $50.13

Therefore, the original cost of the groceries Nick bought was $50.13.