Question%0D%0ANick bought groceries for n%0D%0A%0D%0A dollars. He had a coupon for $15.50 off. He paid $34.63 including tax for the groceries he purchased. Which equation represents the original cost of groceries Nick bought? What was this amount?

Let's represent the original cost of groceries as "x" dollars.

According to the information given, Nick had a coupon for $15.50 off, so the cost of groceries after the coupon is x - $15.50.

Nick paid $34.63 including tax for the groceries, so we can set up the equation:
x - $15.50 = $34.63

To find the original cost of groceries, we need to isolate "x" on one side of the equation:
x = $34.63 + $15.50
x = $50.13

Therefore, the equation that represents the original cost of groceries Nick bought is:
x = $50.13

The original cost of groceries Nick bought was $50.13.

To find the original cost of groceries Nick bought, we need to subtract the coupon amount from the total amount he paid.

Let's assume the original cost of groceries Nick bought is represented by the variable "x".

According to the given information:
- Nick had a coupon for $15.50 off, which means the discount amount can be expressed as "-$15.50".
- He paid $34.63 including tax, so the total cost after the discount can be expressed as "34.63".

Therefore, the equation to represent the original cost of groceries Nick bought is:

x - 15.50 = 34.63

To find the value of "x", we can solve this equation:

x = 34.63 + 15.50
x = 50.13

So, the original cost of groceries Nick bought was $50.13.

To find the original cost of the groceries Nick bought, we can set up an equation and solve for the variable.

Let's say the original cost of the groceries is represented by the variable 'x'.

According to the information given:
Nick had a coupon for $15.50 off, so the price after the coupon was subtracted would be (x - 15.50).
The final price including tax that Nick paid was $34.63.

Therefore, the equation representing the original cost of groceries is:
x - 15.50 = 34.63

To find the value of 'x', we can solve this equation:
x = 34.63 + 15.50
x = 50.13

So, the original cost of the groceries Nick bought was $50.13.