Gracie and Lizzie are comparing their grades they earned on their latest assignment in Math. Gracie earned 150200 and Lizzie earned 92%. Which student's grade is the highest? Write your answer as a percentage

Gracie earned 150/200, which is equal to 75%.

Lizzie earned 92%.

Therefore, Lizzie's grade is higher.

What is the decimal equivalent of 215? Responses 2.4 2.4 - no response given 4.02 4.02 - no response given 4.2 4.2 - no response given 0.42

The decimal equivalent of 215 is 2.15.

To compare Gracie's grade (150) and Lizzie's grade (92%), you need to convert Gracie's grade to a percentage. To do this, divide Gracie's grade (150) by the total possible points for the assignment (200) and multiply by 100.

Gracie's grade as a percentage = (Gracie's grade / Total possible points) * 100
= (150 / 200) * 100
= 0.75 * 100
= 75%

Now that you have both grades as percentages, you can compare them.

Gracie's grade: 75%
Lizzie's grade: 92%

Since 92% is higher than 75%, Lizzie has the highest grade.