Gracie and Lizzie are comparing their grades they earned on their latest assignment in Math. Gracie earned 150200

and Lizzie earned 92%. Which student's grade is the highest? Write your answer as a percentage.(1 point)

Gracie's grade is higher than Lizzie's grade.

the answer has to be a percentage

Gracie's grade is the highest.

To determine which student's grade is the highest, we need to compare their grades. Gracie earned 150 out of 200, and Lizzie earned 92% on her assignment.

To compare these grades, we should convert Gracie's score to a percentage as well. To do this, we divide Gracie's score (150) by the total possible score (200) and then multiply by 100 to get the percentage.

So, Gracie's grade percentage is calculated as: (150 / 200) * 100 = 75%.

Now we can compare the grades. Gracie earned 75% while Lizzie earned 92%.

Since 92% is higher than 75%, Lizzie's grade is the highest.