Robert bought 2 movies tickets for $10. Deion spent $20 on 4 movie tickets.

Tickets: 2, 4
Price (Dollars): 10, 20
Complete each statement. You can multiply both quantities in the ratio 2 to 10 say by ____ to get the ratio 4 to 20

To get the ratio 4 to 20 from the ratio 2 to 10, we can multiply both quantities by 2.

The price of 1 movie ticket is $____

The price of 1 movie ticket is $5.

To get from the ratio 2 to 10 to the ratio 4 to 20, we need to find a number that we can multiply both quantities of the first ratio by to get the corresponding quantities in the second ratio.

First, let's find the common factor between the two quantities in the first ratio. The common factor between 2 and 10 is 2.

Now, we need to find the corresponding quantities in the second ratio using the common factor. We multiply 2 (the common factor) by each quantity in the first ratio:

2 * 2 = 4
2 * 10 = 20

So, in order to get from the ratio 2 to 10 to the ratio 4 to 20, we can multiply both quantities in the ratio 2 to 10 by 2.