In one or two sentences, identify a topic for an informative text that uses the definition organizational strategy. Explain why the definition organizational strategy would fit best. Use details to explain your answer.(2 points)k

The topic for an informative text could be "Strategies for Effective Time Management in the Workplace." This definition of organizational strategy would fit best as it encompasses the methods and approaches used by individuals and organizations to organize and prioritize tasks, allocate resources, and accomplish goals in a timely manner.

make it sound like a 6th grader wrote it

The topic for an informative text could be "Super Cool Ways to Be Awesome at Time Management in Your School or After-School Activities!" This definition of organizational strategy would be the best fit because it's all about the smart tricks and ideas we can use to organize our tasks, use our resources wisely, and achieve our goals easily and on time. It's like having a secret plan to be a time management superhero!

One possible topic for an informative text that uses the definition of organizational strategy could be "Effective Strategies for Organizational Growth." This topic fits best with the definition of organizational strategy because it focuses on the systematic planning and implementation of actions aimed at achieving long-term goals and improving overall performance in an organization.