As a result of this new economy, who grew rich?

As a result of the new economy, several groups of people grew rich. Some examples include:

1. Tech Entrepreneurs: The rise of technology and online platforms created new opportunities for tech entrepreneurs. Founders of companies like Amazon, Google, Facebook, and Tesla became billionaires as their companies achieved tremendous success.

2. Venture Capitalists: With the increasing number of startups and tech companies emerging, venture capitalists who invested early in successful ventures made substantial profits. Their investments in companies like Uber, Airbnb, and Spotify paid off significantly.

3. Stock Market Investors: The new economy witnessed significant growth in the stock market, with several companies experiencing rapid growth and valuation. Investors who had shares in these companies earned substantial wealth through capital appreciation and dividends.

4. CEOs and Top Executives: Executives leading successful companies, particularly those in technology, finance, and entertainment sectors, earned significant salaries, bonuses, and stock options. Their wealth increased as their companies achieved success in the new economy.

5. Real Estate Developers: The growth of the new economy often accompanied the expansion and development of tech hubs and major cities. Real estate developers and investors who owned properties in these areas saw their property values increase substantially, leading to substantial wealth accumulation.

6. Online Content Creators and Influencers: The rise of social media and digital platforms created opportunities for individuals to monetize their content and build a large following. Influencers, YouTubers, bloggers, and podcasters who gained significant audiences could earn substantial income through brand collaborations, sponsorships, and advertising revenue.

7. Global Business Magnates: The new economy provided opportunities for multinational corporations to expand their operations globally and tap into new markets. Business tycoons who led successful multinational enterprises experienced significant wealth growth through international business operations and market expansion.