A train moves at a speed of 60 miles per hour. How many yards per minute does the train travel? There are

1,760 yards in a mile and 60 minutes in an hour. (1 point)
yards per minute

To find yards per minute, we need to convert miles to yards and hours to minutes.

First, we need to convert 60 miles into yards. Since there are 1,760 yards in a mile, we multiply 60 by 1,760:

60 miles * 1,760 yards/mile = 105,600 yards

Next, we need to convert 1 hour into minutes. Since there are 60 minutes in an hour, we multiply 60 by 1:

60 minutes

Now, we can calculate the yards per minute by dividing the total yards traveled (105,600) by the total minutes traveled (60):

105,600 yards / 60 minutes = 1,760 yards/minute

Therefore, the train travels at a rate of 1,760 yards per minute.