A train moves at a speed of 60 miles per hour. How many yards per minute does the train travel? there are 1,760 yards in a mile and 60 minutes in an hour

To find the number of yards per minute the train travels, we need to convert the speed from miles per hour to yards per minute.

Since there are 1,760 yards in a mile and 60 minutes in an hour, we can multiply the speed (in miles per hour) by the conversion factor:

Speed in yards per minute = (Speed in miles per hour) * (1,760 yards/mile) / (60 minutes/hour)

Speed in yards per minute = (60 miles/hour) * (1,760 yards/mile) / (60 minutes/hour)

Speed in yards per minute = 1,760 * 60 / 60

Speed in yards per minute = 1760

Therefore, the train travels at a speed of 1,760 yards per minute.

To find out how many yards per minute the train travels, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the train's speed from miles per hour to yards per hour.
Since there are 1,760 yards in a mile, we can multiply the speed in miles per hour (60) by the number of yards in a mile (1,760) to get the speed in yards per hour:
60 miles/hour * 1,760 yards/mile = 105,600 yards/hour

Step 2: Convert the train's speed from yards per hour to yards per minute.
Since there are 60 minutes in an hour, we can divide the speed in yards per hour (105,600) by the number of minutes in an hour (60) to get the speed in yards per minute:
105,600 yards/hour / 60 minutes/hour = 1,760 yards/minute

Therefore, the train travels at a speed of 1,760 yards per minute.

To find out how many yards the train travels per minute, we can use the given information:

- Speed of the train: 60 miles per hour
- Conversion rate: 1,760 yards in a mile
- Conversion rate: 60 minutes in an hour

To calculate the yards per minute, we need to convert miles to yards and hours to minutes. Here's how you can do it:

1. Convert miles to yards:
- Multiply the speed of the train (60 miles per hour) by the conversion rate (1,760 yards per mile):
60 miles/hour * 1,760 yards/mile = 105,600 yards/hour

2. Convert hours to minutes:
- Multiply the converted yards per hour by the conversion rate (60 minutes per hour):
105,600 yards/hour * 60 minutes/hour = 6,336,000 yards/minute

So, the train travels at a speed of approximately 6,336,000 yards per minute.

how fast is a golf cart traveling 30 miles per hour in feet per second

5,280 feet = one mile
3,600 seconds = one hour

To find the speed of the golf cart in feet per second, we can use the given conversion rates:

- 5,280 feet = 1 mile
- 3,600 seconds = 1 hour

Here's how you can calculate it:

1. Convert the speed from miles per hour to feet per hour:
- Multiply the speed of the golf cart (30 miles per hour) by the conversion rate (5,280 feet per mile):
30 miles/hour * 5,280 feet/mile = 158,400 feet/hour

2. Convert feet per hour to feet per second:
- Divide the speed in feet per hour by the conversion rate (3,600 seconds per hour):
158,400 feet/hour / 3,600 seconds/hour = 44 feet/second

Therefore, the golf cart is traveling at a speed of 44 feet per second.

How many kilograms are in 125 pounds? there are about 2.2 pounds in one kilogram.

To convert pounds to kilograms, we can use the conversion rate of approximately 2.2 pounds per kilogram.

To find out how many kilograms are in 125 pounds, we'll divide 125 by 2.2:

125 pounds / 2.2 pounds/kilogram = 56.81 kilograms

Therefore, there are approximately 56.81 kilograms in 125 pounds.

that wrong

Apologies for the mistake.

To convert pounds to kilograms, we need to divide the number of pounds by the conversion rate of 2.2 pounds per kilogram.

So, to find how many kilograms are in 125 pounds:

125 pounds / 2.2 pounds per kilogram = 56.81818 kilograms (rounded to 5 decimal places)

Therefore, there are approximately 56.81818 kilograms in 125 pounds.