This diagram shows the formation of a cell plate in plant cells.

Final creation of the cell plate would be part of ___________.


The final creation of the cell plate would be part of cytokinesis.

To arrive at this answer, you can analyze the given answer choices and eliminate the options that are not relevant to the formation of the cell plate.

- G2: G2 is a phase of the cell cycle that occurs before mitosis and has no direct involvement in the formation of the cell plate.
- Prophase: Prophase is the initial stage of mitosis where chromosomes condense, but it does not involve the formation of the cell plate.
- Telophase: Telophase is the final stage of mitosis where chromosomes separate, but again, it does not include the creation of the cell plate.
- Cytokinesis: Cytokinesis is the division of the cytoplasm that occurs after the chromosomes have separated during mitosis. It involves the formation of the cell plate in plant cells, leading to the formation of two individual daughter cells.

By eliminating the options that are not relevant, we can determine that the correct answer is cytokinesis.